The story of Lord Brahma, as depicted in Hindu mythology, spans across various ancient texts known as the Puranas. While the details may differ slightly across different Puranas, the following narrative provides a general overview of Lord Brahma's story: In the beginning, there was a formless and infinite cosmic being called Brahman. Brahman desired to create the universe and manifested itself as a golden cosmic egg known as the Hiranyagarbha. Inside this egg, Lord Brahma was born. According to one version of the story, Lord Brahma emerged from a lotus that sprouted from the navel of Lord Vishnu, who is considered the preserver of the universe. Lord Brahma is often depicted with four heads, representing the four Vedas, the ancient Hindu scriptures. He is also depicted with four arms, each holding different objects symbolizing his divine attributes and powers. Once Lord Brahma was born, he was entrusted with the task of creating and organizing the universe. Lord Brahma is bel...
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