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shiva is related to thoth

The ancient Egyptian god Thoth, is known for the wisdom and magic he possessed. He is considered important than many other deities of Egyptian pantheon. His appearance is portrayed as a man with head of ibis or baboon. He is shown as holding a stylus and scribes palette. In some pictures however, Thoth is also portrayed as an ape with the head of a dog. Hermopolis, also known as Eshmunen is the cult center of Thoth the Egyptian god. Earlier, Hermopolis was known as city of Khmun.

The Thoth God of Egypt is one of the important deities of Egypt. This wisest god has played important roles in various battles and other events in Egyptian myths. An interesting thing about Thoth is that, he was a self-created god. He is credited with the invention of hermetic arts and magic. The Thoth Egyptian god had eight children with his wife, Ma'at.

Facts about Thoth God of Egypt
·         Given below are some of the interesting facts about Thoth God of Egypt.
·         The Thoth God of scribes, as he is known, was the patron of all scribes. He is also known as the 'tongue' of sun-god, Ra. Due to the curse from Ra, Thoth had to speak on Ra's behalf and always spoke those words which fulfilled Ra's wishes.
·         Seshat, the goddess of wisdom and writing was the counterpart of Thoth god of knowledge and writing. Thoth had written a book named, 'Book of the Dead'.
·         Apart from the cult center in Hermopolis, the Thoth god of wisdom had shrines in places like Hesert, Abydos, Rekhui, Per-Ab, Urit, Pselket, Hat, Sep, Ta-ur, Bah, Antcha-Mutet, Talmsis, Ta-kens and Amen-heri-ab.
·         Thoth is also known as the moon god and is portrayed with a crescent on the head; the crescent shape present on his head is also known as the Atef crown.
·         The Egyptian god, Thoth is credited with invention of geometry, astronomy and medicine.
·         Thoth is known to have played an important role in the legend of Osiris and Isis. Osiris was murdered by the Egyptian god Set (his brother), and then dismembered. Isis, the lover of Osiris received advice from Thoth regarding the resurrection of dismembered body of Osiris. It helped Isis in conceiving Egyptian god Horus, the child of Osiris.
·         Tefnut, the daughter of Ra had left Egypt following an argument with him. Thoth played an important role in bringing her back to Egypt.
·         Thoth was known to possess the quality of questioning souls of dead people. He used to question dead souls about their deeds in the past life.
·         The Thoth God of Egypt acted as an arbitrator in 3 important battles. The battle between Ra and 'Apep' was the first one; the second battle was fought between 'Heru-Bekhutet' and 'Set'. In the third important battle, Horus and Set were the opponents. In these three battles, the gods, Ra, Heru-Bekhutet and Horus represented the good forces; opponents of these gods on the other hand represented evil forces.
·         In the 3 important battles fought between gods, Thoth played the role of healing those who were seriously injured.
·         Aleister Crowley, who published 'The Book of Thoth' helped in reviving the popularity of Thoth Egyptian god.
·         Interesting facts about Thoth God of Egypt presented above, also provide information about various aspects of Egyptian culture. Thoth was believed to be one of the earliest and wisest Egyptian gods. The information thus, gives a rough idea about beliefs and mythology of Egypt.


Lord Shiva was one amongst the 'Trimurti'. The other two being Lord Brahma, the creator and Lord Vishnu, the preserver. Shiva was the destroyer. He was known as 'Devon ka Mahadev' [Lord of the greatest God]. He is regarded as limitless, formless and the greatest of the three. Shivratri Spcl: Significance Of Lord Shiva's Ornaments Shiva had many fearsome forms which were terribly powerful. He was easiest to impress of the Trimurti. And he was also the one with the most fiercest of rage. Read on, as we bring you some of the lesser known facts about Lord Shiva. Birth of Shiva Though Shiva is one of the most popular Gods in the Hindu mythology, very little is known about his birth. There is one story though, which is quite intriguing and spellbinding at the same time. Once Lord Brahma and Lord Vishnu were debating who among them was the most powerful. Suddenly a tremendous pillar of light pierces through the universe and its roots and branches extended beyond earth and sky respectively. Brahma turns into a goose and climbs the branches seeking its end. Vishnu at the same time turns into a wild boar and digs deep into the earth looking for an end to the roots of the pillar. Both of them return after 5000 years without an end in sight. That is when they see Shiva rise from an opening in the pillar. Accepting that he is the most powerful, they make him the third power who rules the universe. Rock Star God Shiva is a God who breaks away from conventional norms of being a God. He is known to wear a tiger skin, apply ashes on his body from cemeteries, adorns a garland made out of skull and also has a snake around his neck for company. He was also known to smoke weed and dance like a man possessed. He was one God who believed that a person's actions made him what he was and not his caste. Lord Of Dance Shiva is also known as Nataraja, which literally translates to "Dance King". He was known to be an excellent dancer and his stance is known the world over. In his right hand he has a damaru [small drum] which represents creation and his dance indicates the destruction of the universe. It is called 'Tandava'. Also it signals Brahma that it's time to re-create nature. Vanar Avatar For Lord Vishnu Another rock star God was the all powerful Hanuman. No wonder he was cool! He is said to be the 11th incarnation of Lord Shiva. Hanuman is known for his legendary devotion to Lord Rama, who was an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. Their bond indicated the devotion Shiva had for Lord Vishnu. The Neelkanta Samudra Manthan is one of the best known stories in the Hindu mythology. Here the Devas and the Asuras formed an alliance to share the nectar of immortality among themselves which they would churn out from the ocean. Mount Mandara was the churning rod and Vasuki [Shiva's snake] was used as the churning rope. It led to disastrous results, as the whole ocean got churned. The byproducts included halahal, which could potentially poison the entire universe. Just then Shiva stepped in and consumed the poison. Parvati caught hold of Shiva's throat so as to stop the poison's spread. This turned Shiva's throat blue and thus the name Neelkanta. Reason Behind The Elephant God Lord Ganesha came into existence when Parvati created him out of the mud of her body. She breathed life into him and wanted him to be loyal, just as Nandi was loyal to Shiva. When Shiva came home he was stopped by Ganesha, who posed as the guard while his mother Parvati took a bath. Shiva got infuriated and without knowing who it was, cut off Ganesha's head. Parvati felt insulted and vowed to destroy creation. That is when Shiva realised his folly. So he got Ganesha's head replaced with a elephant's head and breathed life into it. Thus Lord Ganesha was born. Bhooteshwara Shiva is unconventional as we already told you. He used to hang out at cemeteries and apply ashes on his body. Amongst his many names was Bhooteshwara. It meant the Lord of ghosts and evil beings. We still haven't figured that one out! Tryambaka Deva Lord Shiva is known to be the enlightened one. Tryambaka Deva means the 'three eyed Lord'. Shiva has a third eye which opens only to kill or cause destruction. Shiva is said to have burnt Kama, the lord of desire to ashes, with his third eye. Ender Of Death Markandeya was born to Mrikandu and Marudmati after years of worshipping Shiva. But he was destined to live only upto the age of 16. Markendeya was an ardent devotee of Lord Shiva and Yama's messenger's were unsuccessful in taking away his life. When Yama, the God of death, himself came to take Markandeya's life, he instead ended up fighting Shiva to death. Shiva revived Yama's life on the condition that Markandeya would live forever. This gave him the title of 'Kalantaka' which meant "ender of death". Promoted Gender Equality Shiva had another name, Ardhanarishvara. It is depicted as half male and half female. Shiva here shows us how the male and female forms are inseparable. He shows us that God is neither a man nor a woman. In fact, he is both. He always treated Parvati with respect and as an equal. Shiva was far ahead of his times, knowing even then, that every human being deserves respect.


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