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Showing posts from October, 2018

The Solomon King : Introduction

Solomon king                                             Three thousand years ago, in ancient Jerusalem, the young king Solomon was forced to put his wisdom to an ultimate test                                                 And the king said bring the sword and king said divide the living child in two and give to the one and half to the other.                                                 According to the Hebrew bible, Solomon would become one of the ancient Israel’s mightiest king, gifted with power beyond those of mortal man.                                                 He can see into the human heart, he knows how to pose a question so that he gets a truthful answer and this is what is source of his favored wisdom. Under king Solomon ruled the secret arc of covenant said to contain said to a ten commandments was brought to rest in his holy temple in Jerusalem. Guided by Solomon’s wisdom the nation of Israel ex

Solomon king: Act 1

King Solomon Act 1: The Gift of wisdom                                                                                                          3000 Thousands years ago, the bible tells us the wisest of all men ruled the kingdom of Israel. The monarch name was Solomon; the source of wisdom was said to be divine he could see into the human heart. And it was said even understand the language of the beasts.                                                             According to tradition, this legendary kept a harem of thousand women of the walls of his holy temple was said to be line with the purest gold, but today king Solomon’s fable kingdom has crumble to dust. His very existence has been called delusion. Roots of Solomon legend can be trace back to the pivotal moment in time to the days when Solomon’s fathers the warrior king David laid die again his palace. David seventeen sons gathered at the royal court, all claimers

Solomon king: Act 2

Solomon king Act 2: A Child divided in two The scene is come down through the ages as one of the most dramatic in the bible. Two women enters Solomon’s court, fight over a new born infant. Their voices raise to the fiver pitch each claiming the baby as her own. And the king said bring me sword and they brought a sword before the king and the king said divide the child in two and give half to the one, half to the other.                                                             One of the most extraordinary quality of Solomon’s wisdom is his ability to discern truth form falsehood. Many are wondered by what mean is he able to do this.                                                             He had enormous confidence in his own gut reaction to people. He listens carefully to their case and responded in an innovative gut kind fashion. And challenge the women, push them to the brink expose them in terms of their emotion

Solomon king: Act 3

Solomon king Act 3: Power Corrupts                               The landscape of Israel abounds with archaeological wonders bearing silent witness to dramatic events which occurred thousands of years ago. Outside of the Hebrew bible there is little historical evidence that Solomon’s ever existed which makes the quest for archaeological clues all the more crucial. Could it be these ancient stones of magi do corroborate the story told in yo testaments of Solomon’s flourishing kingdom?                                              Let sound in real figure, those questions are difficult to answer. I think on the basis of what is known about archaeological remain of the period if we didn’t have Solomon would have to invent somebody can made him Solomon.                                              According to the Hebrew bible, solomons builds fortifications throughout Israel where he can provision his armies and guards strategic trade routes, but it is in the glittering capi

Solomon king: Act 4

Solomon king Act 4: Queen of Sheeba                                                             For years the mighty king Solomon has surely heard whispering of a lush and prosperous land called Sheeba lying far to the south of Egypt. The kingdom is ruled by a shroud and powerful prosper by cultivating an aromatic plant used as incense although the primary source of sheeba’s encountered with Solomon comes to us from the bango. So many corresponding tales of their liaison have been passed down by other cultures. Yet many experts believed Sheeba to be a historical figure, if so where was her fabled kingdom.                                                             There are number of good possibilities one is that Sheeba is really another name or another term for a ulnar place called Soba which is in south Arabia however there is also kind Ethiopian connection to Sheeba. We know that there are many references in bible to

Solomon king: Act 5

Solomon king Act 5: Night of Passion                               It is ten centuries before the birth of Jesus, according to legend the queen of Sheeba has been a guest in Solomon’s court for six months.                                         And king Solomon gave onto the queen of Sheeba all her desire whatsoever she asked beside that which Solomon have her of his royal bounty.                                          As Sheeba prepares to return to homeland Solomon overseas the preparation of a farewell feast. For some inapplicable reason he tells his servant to add powerful spices to the food. Eye each other over the long banquet table they linger, knowing this is the last meal they will ever share together. Finally, then the candles are burn low Solomon suggest that she spend the night in his palace.                               And she said well I am not comfortable staying I am afraid that you are going to try to seduce me and he said well I promise I won’t t