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Solomon king: Act 5

Solomon king
Act 5: Night of Passion

                              It is ten centuries before the birth of Jesus, according to legend the queen of Sheeba has been a guest in Solomon’s court for six months.         
                              And king Solomon gave onto the queen of Sheeba all her desire whatsoever she asked beside that which Solomon have her of his royal bounty.          
                              As Sheeba prepares to return to homeland Solomon overseas the preparation of a farewell feast. For some inapplicable reason he tells his servant to add powerful spices to the food. Eye each other over the long banquet table they linger, knowing this is the last meal they will ever share together. Finally, then the candles are burn low Solomon suggest that she spend the night in his palace.
                              And she said well I am not comfortable staying I am afraid that you are going to try to seduce me and he said well I promise I won’t take anything from you if you promise not to take anything of mine.
                              Solomon arranges a chamber with there are two beds and wishes her good night. Sheeba awakens in middle of the night with an intense thirst from a spicy meal. Solomon watches her from the other bed that is only a mouthful of water, she indeed taken something that she has broken her promise he sleeps into her bed. There passion held been check for so long is finally realized. Solomon and the queen of Sheeba share hours of joyful lovemaking later as he falls asleep Solomon has anonymous dream.

                              He dreams that the sun has deployed from Jerusalem forever and never comes back he waits and waits and it never comes back and might some say that his feeling about her leaving that the onth is really going out of his life. Sheeba awakens in the morning, ready to depart for home. Solomon places his signet ring on her finger a token of his affection. Reluctantly he watches the queen that she sets off on her homeward journey. But neither Sheeba nor Solomon know is that she was pregnant with Solomon’s child. Legend tells us that nine months after leaving the kingdom of Israel a son is born to the queen of Sheeba she names him Manolick. After a long journey mother and son reach their home in Ethiopia. Historian have wondered whether Sheeba’s liaison with king Solomon is responsible for the existence of Jewish population now living in Ethiopia.

                              When Sheeba returned to Africa or Arabia she wears with many gifts so she may well have been bringing Cordier, mad, servants, nannies, tutors all kinds of people pack with her and these as well as her own encountered with Solomon could be the origin of Ethiopian Jewish.
                              As her son Manolick grows up Sheeba frequently recounts stories of his mighty father on the land he rules far to the north and yet under heart she knows that she will never set eyes on Solomon again. When the boy turns 13 Sheeba tells him to go to Jerusalem to meet his father.
                              When he says, how will I know my father she holds up the mirror and she say he looks just like this you my son, he looks just like you.
                              As Manolick sets off for Jerusalem Sheeba entrust him with Solomon signet ring telling him that he will be through this ring that his father recognizes him, that is the son of the woman he once he loved. Many scholars have questioned whether Solomon ever met the son born from his single night of passion with the queen of Sheeba, other believed that Manolick did in fact reach Jerusalem. It has been said that years later when Manolick leaves Jerusalem to return to Ethiopia and he takes with him the sacred arc of the covenant. To this day some people claim the arch is kept in a remote temple in Ethiopia’s holy city of Irksome. However, many experts remain unconvinced they believed at far more likely that the arc disappeared is late is the fall of Jerusalem to the Babylonians four hundred years after the death of Solomon some speculates that arc may have been destroyed by army and melted down. Others however believe it may still be intact.

                              The arc is definitely buried somewhere in according to a most traditional sources, it is actually buried somewhere in Jerusalem.

                              Even today explorers believed that the arc is buried and continue to search for it remains.
                              It is seemed certain is that king Solomon does not end his life are happy or fulfilled man. Scholar have wondered was it because he allowed the one woman he might have loved to slip through his fingers.
                              One can imagine Solomon standing on the roof of his palace watching Sheeba’s caravan disappeared over the sands as he thinks about the one who got away. It is after his liaison with the queen of Sheeba that Solomon is believed to written Aclisiacities a book in the bible characterized by the its haunting loment.
                              So, every sing there is season a time to every purpose onto the heaven a time to be born and time to die, a time to plant and a time to pluck that which is planted.
                              It seems to me that the book of Acklisiacities represents all of us in our moments of bitterness and in our moments of wondering if all of life is just vanity. The message seems to be even in our darkest moment, even in our bitterest thoughts about where is god the assurance is know god is still with you.
                              Strangely in his last days a figure enters Solomon’s life was never before been mentioned in the bible. It is Rehbor a son from one of Solomon’s many wives. All that history tells us is that Solomon names him his successor to the throne. Solomon spends his last days alone in the magnificent palace he built for himself. His reign was marked by forty years of peace and tranquility. Why is it there that shortly after Solomon’s death the United Kingdom of Israel is rocked by political turmoil?
                              Ten of the traditional trade tribe pull away from the house of David this isn’t a division of the kingdoms as we so nicely say this is a mass rejection of the house of Solomon, this is mass rebellion amongst the majority of the people rejecting the rulership of Solomon.
                              Some scholars will Solomon personally responsible for the break up of the twelve tribes of Israel.
                              He became enamored of his own power and his own reach and his own possibilities and potential and in the end, he forgot that he is fellable human being, that he was accountable primarily to god and to the people. And so, he left the legacy that did great harm to Israel.  
                              The tragedy of king Solomon strikes a universal and haunting code. Perhaps no other human being has been blessed with such a deep ad abiding wisdom. By relying on this divine insight Solomon manage to build Israel it one mighty nation that all the ancient world for a generation and yet somehow, we lost his way. Caught up in all of his worldly accomplishments Solomon lost sight of the needs of the common man. The shining promise of his youth was never realized wisdom without compassion can be a dangerous tool. In his hunger for greatness Solomon was to abused his god given gift see it turn with disastrous effect against not only on his own people but also against himself.


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